Hosting-related Vulnerabilities for Azure and Heroku:

Hosting-related Vulnerabilities for Azure and Heroku:

In the digital world, both Azure and Heroku serve as the backbone for many apps. But like anything online, they can be prone to vulnerabilities. In this article, we'll explore common pitfalls on these platforms and offer solutions to keep your systems secure.

  1. Insecure Platform Configuration

    • Description: Whether you're using Azure or Heroku, improper platform configurations can inadvertently expose your application or its components to potential threats.

    • Example: Default configurations, especially those related to security, can leave gaps in your application's defences, such as when a database is publicly accessible without IP restrictions or proper authentication.

    • Solution: Ensure all configurations are double-checked, especially after updates or changes. Use the best practise guidelines provided by the platform.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku ps:scale web=3
        heroku config:set SENSITIVE_VARIABLE=value
  • Azure CLI:
        az webapp config set --name MyApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup --always-on true
  1. Weak Secrets

    • Description: Secrets like API keys, database credentials, and other sensitive data should always be complex and unique. Weak or default secrets can be exploited by attackers.

    • Example: Using predictable passwords like "admin" or "password123" for crucial services

    • Solution: Always generate strong, unique passwords and store them securely.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku config:set DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
  • Azure CLI:
        az sql server create --name MyServer --admin-password $(openssl rand -base64 32)
  1. Misconfigured Environment Variables

    • Description: Environment variables can sometimes store sensitive information, making them a potential vulnerability if not managed properly.

    • Example: Keeping confidential API keys as plain text in environment variables

    • Solution: Encrypt sensitive environment variables and ensure they are only accessible by authorised personnel.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku config
        heroku config:unset EXPOSED_VARIABLE
  • Azure CLI:
        az webapp config appsettings list --name MyApp
        az webapp config appsettings delete --name MyApp --setting-names EXPOSED_VARIABLE
  1. Lack of HTTPS

    • Description: Encrypting traffic between the server and the client is essential. HTTPS ensures that data remains confidential and has not been tampered with during transit.

    • Example: A login form is served over HTTP, making it susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.

    • Solution: Always ensure your applications use HTTPS, especially if they handle sensitive data.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku domains:add
  • Azure CLI:
        az webapp config hostname add --webapp-name MyApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup --hostname
  1. Inadequate Isolation

    • Description: Not properly isolating applications or their components can lead to unintended data access between them.

    • Example: Different applications sharing the same database without proper isolation can lead to data leaks.

    • Solution: Ensure separate databases or resources for different applications, or implement strict access controls.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • Azure CLI:
        az sql db create --name MyNewDB --server MyServer
  1. Dependency Vulnerabilities

    • Description: Dependencies, like libraries or frameworks, can have vulnerabilities that may affect your application if not updated.

    • Example: Using an old version of a library that has publicly known security issues

    • Solution: Regularly update all dependencies and use vulnerability scanning tools.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku buildpacks:upgrade
  • Azure Portal: Utilise the Azure Security Centre to monitor and act upon software vulnerabilities.
  1. Exposed Error Details

    • Description: Detailed error messages might reveal system internals, which could be useful for an attacker.

    • Example: A debug error message revealing system paths, library versions, or other sensitive data

    • Solution: Set the application environment to "production" and customise error messages to be generic.

      • Heroku CLI:
        heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
  • Azure Portal: In your application settings, ensure that detailed error messages are turned off in a production environment.


Securing your application on Azure or Heroku is a continuous process. As we've seen, a few precautions and regular checks can prevent the most common vulnerabilities. Stay updated, and always prioritise the safety of your application and its users.